Jaapex Solutions Launches

Jaapex Solutions Launches

April 3rd, 2021, a sunny day in the Pacific Northwest and a great day to hike, although I would argue that any day is a great day to hike no matter what the weather. This particular spot had beautiful waterfalls, flowing rivers, and large Douglas furs. Not 20 steps into my hike, I run across Jay, a long time friend, amazing family man, world traveler, and someone with a similar professional background as I.

After a quick catching up, I blurt out,

Let’s start a business together

Jaapex is born! We had no idea Jaapex Solutions was the name at that point. Over the coming months we talked, plotted, and schemed. Although we didn’t have a name, a product, or knew many details, we did know what we wanted. We wanted our own business, that we wanted to help others, and that we wanted challenges that we could call our own. Coming up with core values, what our long term mission was, and how we conduct business was the easy part. Our product… the same great services that we delivered to the companies we were employed to.

In December 1, 2021, Jaapex LLC becomes an official business. We are excited to work with companies of all sizes, removing pain points, mitigating risks, and cutting costs.

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